I have had an earlier version of SmartWeld for the last five years and would like to update it to the latest version. I do not remember how to address this issue. I think I signed some documents last time and then it was sent to me without cost, not sure if procedure is the same. We have a CO2 laser and we are about to order a fibre optic laser.
SmartWeld is now open source. There are no longer documents to sign or fees to pay.
How can I transfer some of the OSLW and ISOEDGE images
into a PowerPoint Presentation ? There is not anything that I could
find in the pull-down menu (under file) that would support this. I also
attempted to "save as" and the software would not allow me
to do this ?
If you click on the output file button and then save
the file, a .jpg file will be stored inside your OutputFiles folder. You
can then use the insert file command inside powerpoint to paste the
whole SmartWeld screen into a powerpoint slide. There, you can crop the
picture and resize it as needed to show the features you want.
What does SmartWeld do?
SmartWeld is a suite of 14 desktop welding software applications
to develop optimal automatic weld procedures. Helpful applications
provide interactive displays of fusion zone dimensions versus weld
parameter levels within a weldment. Other applications display
heat affected zones and temperature contours by computing solutions
to conduction heat transfer models. SmartWeld provides analysis tools to
investigate the impact of changes in weld procedures.
What are standard execution times?
Optimized automatic weld procedures are computed in
typical execution times from 1 to 45 seconds with a desktop PC.
Which platforms support SmartWeld?
SmartWeld Standalone App and M files were both generated with MATLAB release 2010A. System requirements include Windows 7, Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows XP x64 Edition Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 R2 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or 2, and Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 or R2. Most applications run very quickly on a regular PC. However, a PC with a fast processor is best since some of the weld procedure applications can take a few minutes to complete.
What software is needed to support SmartWeld?
MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is a standalone set of shared libraries that enables the execution of MATLAB runtime apps. on computers without an installed version of MATLAB. If you do not have MATLAB installed on your machine and you want to run SmartWeld you will need to install the MCR on your computer.
You must run SmartWeld with the MCR version associated with the MATLAB Compiler version with which it was created. The correct MCR installer version is bundled with SmartWeld.exe. The SmartWeld Version 3.0 exe-file was generated with Matlab 2010a, and therefore it requires MCR 7.13.
How do I obtain a copy of SmartWeld?
You can download SmartWeld at http://sourceforge.net/projects/smartweld/
Has SmartWeld been used in industry?
For many years the software (under the name SOAR) was licensed by Sandia National Laboratories
to universities, laser job shops, automotive companies, high reliability
component manufacturers, as well as private, and government laboratories.
Our main interest with the SmartWeld program for this application is
to utilize the Rosenthal equations to calculate the temperature history.
Is the program required to do this part of the SmartWeld program? I am slightly
confused about the difference and similarities betweeen the two.
SmartWeld has 14 separate applications, each solves different
problems, once you run them it should be clear what is what. We can't model everything but it sure beats guessing.
You wrote: " The code will create as many files
as you have unique file names." What do you mean by "*unique*
file names" ? Names corresponding to materials ?
It appears you're running the HAZ-CYCLE applications.
There is a suffix (-2D.txt or -3D.txt) on the end of the file names
to differentiate which of the 2 applications they are coming from.
As an example of unique file names, if you typed
1) "1018steelA" in the Curve Label type-in on the application
panel and then pushed the compute button, 2) followed by "1018SteelB"
in the Curve Label type-in and then pushed the compute button, they
would generate files, 1018steelA -2D.txt, and 1018steelB -2D.txt,
(as an example of 2D output). You can also turn the outputting of
files off in the popup beneath it.
Which metals will SmartWeld model?
See the list of Metals & Alloys list in the link to
the left.
Who do we contact with questions about SmartWeld?
Please submit technical questions about the software applications at the SmartWeld Help & Support page at SourceForge